Carmine Bellezza

Carmine Bellezza
Funzionario al basso servizio del paese

lunedì 11 aprile 2011

Lori fosco

Copertina Ornieuropa 3

Copertina ornieuropa n°3
Rivista ufficiale della federazione Europea Ornitofili Onlus


Metropolitan,January, 1919, by Rolf Armstrong

Not Having A Good Time

Not Having A Good Time

June 22 1940.
Illustration by Albert W. Hampson.

Life Magazine Cover

Vintage Giraffe Illustration--Life Magazine Cover

Vintage Josephine Baker Poster--Sophisticated

Fashion 14

Vintage Illustration

Fashion Illustration by George Barbier, 1914


National Geographic Magazine Advertisement

December 1957

lunedì 4 aprile 2011

"The Princess in the Forest" by John Bauer

"The Princess in the Forest" by John Bauer

John Bauer [Swedish painter and illustrator, 1882-1918]

Green Giant Niblets - 19580317 Life

Green Giant Niblets - 19580317 Life

postcard - angelino - carosello

Peerless 1910

1910 Peerless

1910 Peerless

Arthur Szyk, Illustrator

Nescafe, 1946.


Junior Illustration Classics--The Pied Piper

Junior Illustration Classics--The Pied Piper

From my image collection.
I owned this as a kid, and about a huge pile of others.

Vintage Classics Illustrated Junior--The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Vintage Classics Illustrated Junior--The Steadfast Tin Soldier

I collected every fairy tale one of these as a kid--I would be allowed to pick one or two after each dentist visit-and each tooth pulled--I had a lot of teeth pulled--my mouth is too small for my teeth or something, lol. As most things happen, I no longer own the gigantic pile of magazines, but I re-purchased a couple favorites, this being one.

hunting the cave bear by zdenek burian 1952

hunting the cave bear by zdenek burian 1952

"Prehistoric Man," vintage 1960 book. Illustration by Zdenek Burian.

This image is for educational purposes only. All rights remain with the original author(s).

Norman Rockwell Cover-August 16, 1919

One of about 30 paintings that Norman Rockwell did for Counry Gentleman.


Illustration by Gil Elvgren


Illustration by Robert McGinnis